About Arté Ma

Victoria, Australia


During decades of healing and understanding my experiences of being human and female, as a daughter, sister, friend, wife and mother a deep inner connection begun emerging, born of the sacred dimensions of myself as     Arté Ma - Art of the Feminine, Art of The Divine Mother and Art of the Womb.

Arté Ma then became the prayer, Her expression and my meditation.

This life and these decades encompassed conscious exploration, discovering, experiencing, embodying and living the origins and effects of our suffering, healing, One-ness, Christ consciousness, God's mystical DNA and ultimately our Divine inheritance as a Human BEing.

I am a Mystic born of the fires of love, light, life and liberation.  I am what you’d call an unplanned or unintended Mystic.  This is not what my healing and thoughts were about, I wanted to heal my childhood, heal for my daughter so I could be a better parent, break family patterns, get well and understand and heal what had happened in our lives when I was an adult.  Little did I know what all this would mean, what would happen and where it would lead.

I am a western woman living in Australia who had very little religious education or knowledge of such things.  I had no guru, teacher or doctrine to follow when I begun, but found what I needed along the way by going within.  I had tried both traditional and non-traditional approaches and modalities, even some twice, just in case I got it wrong the first time around, but the troubles and traumas continued and mounted, so after trying everying 'out there' I went within.

There have been some significant people, circumstances, happenings and information dotted along the way, for which I will be eternally grateful.  Over time I understood why and how this occurs and that a way and support is actually always there; often not from who or where you think it will be though.  However, this becomes an important aspect of our discovery, awareness and appreciation of life.  I see why it occurred for me this way, so there could be no interference and I could understand in a real and grounded way.  Also, that people could see anyone can know this, do this and you don’t need to be ‘special’, live on a mountain top for years or be in a monastery (I intend no disrespect to those who have lived on a mountain top or in a monastery) - you can be an ordinary female in the West living an everyday life and utilise what is Godgiven and quite natural for the feminine.

The deeper I travelled, the higher I went and all unfolded over time and became available as a consequence.  For example, one day I looked within and saw and experienced a brilliant light and I realised that as issues and ‘things’ were let go of, surrendered, removed, unlearned, healed and alchemised that there was this brilliant and radiant light just there.  I've come to understand this is an emanation of God/The Divine within and that everyone and eveything has it within them, and it is everywhere.  Also over time I've become aware of a vast and empty Presence as part of my reality and consciousness, a field within and all around of no-thing, still and silent.  This is my BEing and I inhabit it and it inhabits me.  I see that this Light and this Presence is most often obscured by so many other ‘things’ so people can't see it or experience it, nor have they been told about it, or told about it in a way that is relatable or practical.

I discovered who I AM and who we truly are.  This has taken years to come to terms with because of my background and culture, but it is undeniable.  I see it as our next natural, necessary and evolutionary step as Human BEings.  To know we are a Presence of God/The Divine here on Earth and that we can claim this part of our BEing for it is our inheritance.  This is the prophecised resurrection of Christ, not as an individual who returns to earth, but what is within all of us, and collectively - as Christ Consciousness.

Ponder this for a moment - Jesus said, “The Father and I Are One”.  Also, if we’re God’s children, we have God’s DNA.

The Divine is within and a part of you.  You are within The Divine, a part of The Divine, and ultimately The Divine. 

Can you imagine what this might mean?

You Are The Way