Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - CFS


NMc came to see Arte’ Ma when she was 21 years old. NMc had suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) since her early teens.  Her mother, who had seen Arte’ Ma herself suggested NMc try something different, and recommended she also see Arte’ Ma.

NMc had torn her neck muscle in-half one morning as she’d stretched out while waking up, and knew she had to do something, and do something different.  NMc had suffered a lot with her CFS over the years.  She’d been an active child, playing many different sports and had loved her basketball.  She was bright and full of life.  Her mum was happy to drive her to all her activities as she knew it would build her confidence and help her daughter throughout her life.

By the time NMc met with Arte’ Ma she had been on a roller coaster ride.  It had affected her friendships, ability to go to school and later on to work, her relationship with her father who didn’t believe in CFS, her ability to play sports, to socialize, have a proper boyfriend, her eating and sleeping habits and her energy.  But the biggest impact though was her feelings about herself and her zest for life.  This was completely debilitating and she became depressed – as most people do with CFS.

NMc discovered she was in some substantial holding patterns she couldn’t see, or in some cases didn’t really want to see.  She saw she was a people pleaser and peace maker and was preoccupied with what others thought of her.  She felt she was running around in circles and couldn’t find her way out.  This was true, she was stuck.

NMc and her mum had been to countless doctors where anti-depressants and sleeping tablets were the only real thing they could offer.  Neither of these worked for NMc and they made her feel dreadful.  So she was forced to trek alone (with her mum) into unchartered territory if she was to get better and live a normal life.

And so she did.  Working with Arte’ Ma she got back to basics, changed her eating habits, took flower essence and looked at her life.  NMc made changes, took the responsibility for her health and her life into her own hands in a far greater way.  She was of an age now where she could do this.  She listened to her body and discovered a deeper respect and relationship with it.  She found her truth and the courage to tell people what was happening and why.  She set healthy boundaries and gave herself the opportunity to finally start to work with her illness, not as an uphill battle but as a heartfelt and liberating learning experience.  All this in-turn changed her life.

She broke down her mind and body walls. She learned to just accept more and not expect an end result, and to push for it.  She had never experienced the journey before, and it is this aspect that she attributes to why she developed CFS.

During this work NMc expressed a huge desire to become a police woman.  But she didn’t know how she could possibly do this.  Well guess what, she did and she is.  After working with Arte’ Ma and doing a Landmark personal development course, at age 27 NMc has built a lovely new home with her handsome and loving partner, they have a beautiful baby girl (who looks just like NMc) and yes she is a Police Woman.

She did it.  She is it.  And if you were to ask her what was the best thing about all this, she would say “I was given the gift of doing it myself”.  This is the nature of the work.


28 years old

Wife and Mother of 2


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD


The mother of a delightful teenage boy (JR) who had been diagnosed with OCD wanted to investigate and try other ways to help her son that didn’t involve medication.  She was quite concerned about the implications of medication, and that he may not be able to live a normal life.

JR was consumed by his OCD-ness and it was affecting his home, social and school life.  He had got to the point of not going to school, and there was a growing detrimental affect on other family members.

JR was living with his father and sister as mum and dad had been separated for several years.  Knowing her son, and observing the environment he was living in, she knew improvements could be made and he may not need medication.

So mum made changes and had JR live with her.  Also a friend recommended Arte’ Ma, and an appointment was made.

Arte’ Ma’s approach was a little different to the hospital, and it worked.  When JR understood what was happening to him and why, he begun to change.  It made sense to him.  He begun lessening his need to adjust the volume on all the television sets throughout the house, and have certain areas of the house clean and tidy.  He reversed his thinking about his OCD over an eight week period and begun to feel empowered with the changes.

JR also took two different types of flower essence over the course of his sessions which were of enormous assistance in supporting the changes and then maintaining them. 

JR is at school and now has a social life like any other teenage boy.  It was wonderful to watch his transformation and heartening for mum to see firstly that her instincts were correct, but more importantly that her son was breaking free of a condition that he could have been labeled with and trapped in for the rest of his life.




Multiple Chemical Sensitivity - MCS


GB worked as a Fragrance Consultant for fifteen years.  From this her body experienced a chemical overload and her immune system could no longer cope with the chemicals in the perfumes anymore.  She left work in 2004 and spent the next 12 months trying to survive.

She went on a never ending trail of WorkCare requirements and doctor's visits.  After being diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, her own Doctor told her there was no cure and she should pack her bags, sell her home, move to the bush and leave society altogether; as the environment was making her ill.  She could no longer smell or tolerate perfumes, house hold chemical cleaning products, car exhausts, petrol, gas, perfumed soaps, hair shampoo, deodorant, soap powder or even flowers. If GB came into contact with these products she would end up with Chronic Fatigue, sore throat, headaches, hot flushes and body aches and pains.  She could not function outside her home. After Twelve months of this though she hit rock bottom, she did not want to be on this planet anymore.   Her children were the only thing that kept her going at this point.

Then a friend recommended she contact Arte’ Ma.  GB had two sessions with Arte’ Ma and wasn’t able to continue with the essential oil smells and other perfume smells in the environment.  So Arte’ Ma met with GB in her home.  This begun a two year journey of discovery, healing and unfolding enlightenment.  After the first six months GB was able to attend a Chakra class back in the same environment with other women who were also consciously healing and evolving.  GB worked with her Chakras for fifteen months and changed her life.  And she continues to as an embodiment of what’s possible. 

GBs quality of life has improved beyond anyone’s expectations. Her chemical sensitivities do not hinder her day to day life anymore. She is able to function outside the home with ease and able to socialize and travel overseas; something she thought would never be possible again. Now living a chemical free and organic lifestyle not only enhances the clarity of her mind body & spirit, healing with the chakras has led her to her life’s purpose.

GB now teaches the chakras herself and much more - Spiritual Counselling, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Metatronic Healing, beautiful Sound Therapy and Past Life Regression work which is at the forefront of what we know.  She has found her ‘calling’, her 'tune' and continues to move with it - it's been an absolute pleasure and privlege to work with GB and see her life change.  You can contact her at


Late 50s

Mother of 3

Grandmother of 3

Teacher and Healer