

Chakras are the energy centres, vortices and portals connecting our physical (visible) and

spiritual (invisible) bodies


They have been taught for thousands of years, but were considered long ago to be too special

and too sacred to be taught to just anybody


 But through evolution and necessity these teachings are being made more widely available

to help expand our consciousness, break free of limiting and old harmful ways of thinking

and to re-claim our Spiritual Sovereignty


 Knowing about the chakras is only part of the journey.  The real challenge and fun is in

experiencing them


Introductory and Experiential Chakra Classes


The more you work with the chakras the more you learn, trust, evolve and ultimately restore your Sacred Self.   As Dr Caroline Myss says “they are the Anatomy of the Spirit”

I have come to know over the fifteen years of teaching them, that approaching the chakras with respect and sincerity is essential and requires dedication and devotion.  It is beyond anything you can conceive initially and has far-reaching alchemical benefits.  You come to realise however that your dedication and devotion transforms along the way into love, peace, knowing, freedom, grace and enlightenment


You Are The Way (I)


This is a nine month beginners course where you learn about the chakras, experience them, learn how to apply them in your everyday life and to help you understand yourself and others better

These classes and the course change people’s lives.  It helps you reclaim, rebuild and remember who you truly are, giving you a whole new relationship with yourself and a new landscape of living and Being.

These classes are in small groups only.  Meeting every four weeks and speaking during the month to see how you're going with the application of what we’re learning


Chakras For Teenagers and Their Parents - The Rainbow Way


This nine month course is an abridged and age appropriate chakra course for teenagers and their parents.  Classes for teenagers and parents are held separately for maximum effect - it is difficult often when someone in a family (or any relationship) starts changing, but others stay the same.  This method addresses this, but affords so much more

This course offers what is often missing in our families and western culture.  It is such a critical time in a child's development, and often one of the most challenging times for parents.  It's a time teenagers are individuating, when their hormones are flooding their bodies and many other changes are occurring and colliding

The Rainbow Way gives teenagers and their parents context, reasons, a way to manage, repair and develop

It is one of the best gifts anyone can be given, or give themselves

You can make enquiries through the Contact tab