Energy Cleansing - Land, Homes & Businesses


 Working with Nature and Spirit to clear, cleanse, stabilise and heal areas, land, rooms, homes and businesses

The processes used to cleanse are determined on-site and can take around 2hrs

Land can be cleansed and healed

A home where there's been divorce, a death, violence, addiction, illness or trauma can be cleansed and re-newed

A place where energies are 'stuck' are offered healing and release

A business where there has been loss or robbery can be cleared, healed and made to feel safe again

It leaves land, homes, businesses and areas ready 'for the new'

This is not a process of negation but one of inclusion and co-creation with Nature and Spirit where energies are lifted to their next highest point in evolution for transmutation and delivery to the Light

In addition to clearing all stagnant, darkened and negative energies, flower essence, vitamins, and minerals are placed back (imbued with Nature) into affected areas - for balancing, stabilising and re-vitalisation

You can liken it to detoxing, cleansing, healing, balancing and giving a person flower essence, vitamins and minerals to regenerate in a space of freedom without previous encumbrances and impediments